A Star Wars Obsession is NOT a Frivolous Pursuit!

I teach writing at a local community college and have been furiously getting a fresh, new syllabus written for my fall courses, selflessly abandoning my pursuit of all things Star Wars. But a Star Wars-demeaning remark from a “friend” has been drilling my brain for weeks, and I can now put my time back into assembling my feelings about Star Wars into words.

In this election year, people are posting and tweeting vehement feelings about the election and the candidates, but I’m filling my social feeds with important messages like these (thank you to all the artists whose work I borrowed here. Credit due to all their talents. Please let me know if you want your art removed):

At the risk of appearing disengaged from my civic duty as a member of a democracy, I avoid discussing politics. I know where I stand and why, and I don’t want to get into emotional debates about my choices, especially on social media where things can get ugly; even amongst friends and family, ties can be severed over politics (and those who have been following Diary of a Sith Chick, know that such a severing led to the launch of the “Revenge of the Diary: Order 66” FaFullSizeRender 19cebook page).

In some situations, friends quip that instead of wasting time on Star Wars (I have much difficulty comprehending that phrase), that my time would be better spent on things that matter in this world, implying that I’m superficial, even stupid for obsessing about Star Wars instead of  vehemently supporting, in plain view of social media, a presidential candidate or working to help others, as if Star Wars had to be exclusive of that, enraging me with such insults and disrespect.  My go-to meme last week was this one I am so appreciative of for Kush and Wizdom for creating.

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