Trailer for “Kylo Ren: Smuggler’s Son”, a new Star Wars fan film!

Hello! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve been pretty busy as of late, dealing with the various insanities of life. But among them, is a big passion project I’ve been working on for some time, and now I’m finally ready to share it with you all! Behold, the official trailer for my YouTube channel’s upcoming Star Wars fan film, centered around That Guy I Totally Have A Not-Crush On…. ENJOY!!!

UPDATE: DSC Pumpkin Carving Contest

Well…I tried.  Due to lack of interest the DSC Pumpkin Carving Contest is officially cancelled.  I know you’re all terribly disappointed but this will save me a couple hundred bucks so I suppose there’s my silver lining.  Maybe next year, peeps!

Updated 10/25/2016

The Empress (that’s me) decrees there shall be a Diary of a Sith Chick Pumpkin Carving Contest!  I’m going to give away $200 worth of prizes out of my pocket so y’all better do it right!  Details under the cut.⇓

Continue reading UPDATE: DSC Pumpkin Carving Contest


Diary of a Sith Chick is avidly promoting the idea of bringing our beloved The Old Republic to the small screen.  We’ve started a petition which has garnered support from all across the globe. The #TORonNetflix campaign continues to attract attention across the fandom so we’re not ready to close the petition and submit it just yet!

Check out this compilation video edit that our good friend @MartSpeaks AKA Darth Amras has put together for us. There’s more and they’re available to view on Gamatube.

Join us, sign the petition, spread the good word and let’s get #TORonNetflix! You can also join the discussion group on Facebook here.

May the Force Be With You!


Rebels Reaction


Did you know….that I’ve partnered with SciFinatiks to write about my reaction to Star Wars Rebels? This happens weekly! You can find my first installment all about the Season3 premiere here: Rebels Reaction
Keep an eye out for a new Reaction after each episode! ~Empress


Rebel Scum and the Loathsome Resistance

In them we have a treacherous, disturbed, and hypocritical gang of sadistic thieves and murderers. 

While fighting for your deepest held principles,  you may have had to take the life of another. But did you then smile? Cheer? Throw a fucking party? Sounds a bit sadistic to be so gleeful, right? Well that’s what the Rebels and Resistance did.

I am merely a squire, a student of the dark side, but I am no means blind to the death and destruction wrought on the Hosnian system and Alderaan by Starkiller Base and the Death Stars. Sith, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren have taken a share of lives for their respective reasons. However, there were no cheers from the Empire or the First Order when these 

planets were destroyed, no hugs and celebrations on the dark side as enemies were eliminated. However, the Rebels and the Resistance take delight, cheer, celebrate, light fireworks, smile at the death of thousands of Empire and First Order loyalists.

Elation after many lives were lost on the Death Star

Such a disgusting, disturbing display! 


There are some mighty displays of the Resistance taking pleasure inflicting pain on others, but efforts are made to make us overlook that truth. However, Kylo Ren astutely calls them out on such behavior. While that scavenger, Rey, was being interrogated, she asks my master where she is and where are the others that she was with. He replies, “You mean the murderers, traitors and thieves you call friends?” Not a surprise that my master can see the truth and the scavenger could not refute it.

Continue reading Rebel Scum and the Loathsome Resistance

A Star Wars Obsession is NOT a Frivolous Pursuit!

I teach writing at a local community college and have been furiously getting a fresh, new syllabus written for my fall courses, selflessly abandoning my pursuit of all things Star Wars. But a Star Wars-demeaning remark from a “friend” has been drilling my brain for weeks, and I can now put my time back into assembling my feelings about Star Wars into words.

In this election year, people are posting and tweeting vehement feelings about the election and the candidates, but I’m filling my social feeds with important messages like these (thank you to all the artists whose work I borrowed here. Credit due to all their talents. Please let me know if you want your art removed):

At the risk of appearing disengaged from my civic duty as a member of a democracy, I avoid discussing politics. I know where I stand and why, and I don’t want to get into emotional debates about my choices, especially on social media where things can get ugly; even amongst friends and family, ties can be severed over politics (and those who have been following Diary of a Sith Chick, know that such a severing led to the launch of the “Revenge of the Diary: Order 66” FaFullSizeRender 19cebook page).

In some situations, friends quip that instead of wasting time on Star Wars (I have much difficulty comprehending that phrase), that my time would be better spent on things that matter in this world, implying that I’m superficial, even stupid for obsessing about Star Wars instead of  vehemently supporting, in plain view of social media, a presidential candidate or working to help others, as if Star Wars had to be exclusive of that, enraging me with such insults and disrespect.  My go-to meme last week was this one I am so appreciative of for Kush and Wizdom for creating.

Continue reading A Star Wars Obsession is NOT a Frivolous Pursuit!