Ashla and Bogan

The light side and the dark side of the force.

The Je’daii order were the ones to use these terms. They had an oath, the oath was to keep the balance. Think of them as the gray Jedi today.


They believed in keeping the balance of the force inside yourself. To use the force you would have used little parts of Ashla and Bogan. Fall to far from the middle you would be exiled. Two moons floated around Tython, the home planet of the Je’daii order. These two planers were named Ashla and Bogan. Members who drifted to far from the balance would be sent to the moons in exile. If you were to have too much light you were exiled to ashla. If you had to much dark you were exiled to Bogan. Until you maintained balance would you be sent back to Tython.

Continue reading Ashla and Bogan

When You’re Indifferent to Star Wars, You Know Something is Very Wrong

October is depression awareness month, so I decided to go forth with sharing my September slide back into this realm that I thought I had left behind a long time ago…I would rate my depression as moderate, but that by no means diminishes the need to take any degree of depression seriously.

Code_of_the_Sith.pngI let my sources of bliss be taken by depression. Passion felt like a foreign concept, a dangerous place for those who follow the path of the dark side. 

Depression is not a dive into the dark side of the self or humanity as some call it; on the dark side you still feel, you still have passion, fierceness, drive. With depression, at least for me, it’s indifference, a creeping numbness, absence of feeling. I study Sith ways, I admire the dark side, so dark places of a species do not scare me. Depression isn’t a dark place for me, I like the dark; depression is a void, a lacking, a numbness, a inability to feel, an indifference to the inability to feel, apathy about the inability to interact with anything and anyone.

Continue reading When You’re Indifferent to Star Wars, You Know Something is Very Wrong

Bleeding Kyber Crystal


     For many years the hue of the lightsaber has been known as blue, green and red. As more and more stories emerge, the lightsaber has grown past just three basic colors. In non canon we see as many as 8 to 10 colors. In canon we see 6. The hue is affected by the Kyber Crystal, also known as a lightsaber crystal.

    In the old canon (Expanded universe) it was described that the Sith had red lightsabers. The color red was because of a synthetic Kyber Crystal. Synthetically made Kyber Crystals only gave the red hue and were said to not burn as hot as organic Kyber Crystals. The Sith found it very hard to obtain organic Kyber Crystals because the Jedi held them in a sacred place.


      In the Cartoon Network series ‘Star Wars: Clone Wars’ we witness a tradition known to padawans as obtaining your lightsaber crystal. This happens in a cavern that is full of Kyber Crystals and traps. This was a very neat episode where we learn a little more on what it takes to make a lightsaber. Just like you see in ‘Harry Potter’, the wand chooses the wizard, we see in Star Wars. The Kyber Crystal chooses the Jedi.


       This made it very hard for Sith to obtain crystals. Kyber Crystals don’t call to Sith. So the Sith hunt down other crystals. In the new Canon book ‘Ahsoka’ it is described that the Kyber crystals “bleed” when taken by the Sith. Now since the Kyber Crystal do not call out to the Sith, they have to bend the will of the Kyber Crystal itself. When this happens the crystal releases a red hue. This hue will stay red for as long as the Sith wield it. The crystal can be saved by a Jedi, but when this happens the Kyber Crystal looses all color and becomes white.

Everything we thought we knew about lightsabers has changed from this new book. Many questions come to mind with this new information. Why does Ahsoka have white lightsabers? Is Kylo Rens crystal cracked because he is trying to bend its will? How long can a Kyber Crystal bleed for? Hopefully we will see more information on lightsabers in the new movies and TV series. Lightsabers are a unique weapon for a more civilized age.

#TORonNetflix Update


Yesterday the #TORonNetflix campaign achieved a major milestone; we surpassed 100,000 supporters!  I, and Diary of a Sith Chick by default, am so proud to have started such a powerful movement which is so near and dear to Star Wars fans hearts.

I would like to thank my co-founder, Jasmine St-Philippe, for putting the petition together for us. She did a fantastic job of eloquently stating all of the reasons #TORonNetflix should be a thing!  Many thanks also go out to Mart Ford for all of the graphics and promo videos as well as his dedication to the cause. Mart has also set up Twitter, Facebook and YouTube accounts dedicated to TORonNetflix, check them out in the links below.

We also need to thank Honor the Force, Star Wars Facts, The Star Wars Hub, Wookie Nookie, Fact Free,, Game Informer, Star Wars HQ, Movie Pilot, and so many others for featuring our petition and campaign on their websites, Facebook pages and YouTube channels.  Your features have certainly helped spread the word and keep the petition momentum moving forward!  For that we are extremely grateful, thank you!

I urge all of you, the Star Wars fans, to continue your efforts!

Spread the #TORonNetflix tag!

Share the petition!

Join the discussion in our Facebook group!

Check out Mart’s Facebook page where he is posting milestones and articles!

Follow us on Twitter: @DSCFatalis and @TORonNetflix

We’re going to make this happen with your help! Have an article or feature to share? You can find me here!



