Put the Blast Shield Down, I Don’t Want to See Anything

img_0468With Rogue One coming up so very soon (premiere is tonight! EEEEEEE!!!) and Episode VIII in post-production, I dodge and duck into hiding. Social media and the news has frequent reports on rumors and theories and spoilers about the films, and I don’t want to know. On my Google News feed, I have a Star Wars page and Kylo Ren page so Google finds news items for me, but I glance at them, and the moment the word “spoiler” or theory is in a headline, I move on.

Sometimes there are words that hint at what might be, or fan theories of what might be, and I don’t want to know. Like the one pictured: WHAT THE?!? When I looked at that first headline on this day’s newsfeed, I gasped. I convinced myself that it just must be a fan theory, but I wasn’t going to read that or any of these other articles to find out if I was wrong . My cupcake better not die or turn to the light side! And as much as I am ravenous for knowledge about my knights of Ren, if Episode VIII is going to tell me more about them, I want to wait.

img_0218Nor do I want to know what Kylo Ren’s mission might be or, as these headlines hint at, about Kylo Ren and Rey—if there is a relationship, it better be family and not a romantic entanglement! Rey, you keep your hands off my cupcake, girl!

Having seen the original trilogy, when first released in theaters, as an elementary school kid,  in a time before the internet and cable TV, spoilers were pretty much unheard of. Perhaps in magazines and things there were spoilers or speculation, but for a kid, I didn’t really see any of that. Looking back, I know that coming into the films, with no knowledge of what might be, made the films have such an impact. Darth Vader’s entrance in A New Hope terrified me, Princess Leia changed my worldview of women, being a strong, sassy, brunette.

In The Empire Strikes Back the cutting open of the Tauntan, was shockingly gruesome (and it was fun to see my friend’s reactions during that scene when I brought my darth-vader-livesthem to see it to celebrate my 9th birthday—my third time seeing it).  I was so glad to see Darth Vader was still alive. I remember before Episode V was released there was a “Darth Vader Lives” campaign (I had my button!) because people didn’t want to think Vader was knocked out into space never to be seen again. And when Han is frozen in carbonite, my heart sank, I cried, and still cry every time I see that scene (It’s a secret I must keep to retain some dark side cred),

When Darth Vader revealed to Luke that he was his father, I experienced such shock, such disbelief, and, as a child whose favorite character was Darth Vader, a character that terrified me, I experienced, simultaneously, disgust in imagining the reality of having this villain as a dad and awe in Luke having such a cool dad. It was the first time I was submerged in utter, intense disbelief. I still throw my hands up and shout out, “whaaat!” when that happens (drives my kid crazy.). 

In Return of the Jedi, I was not prepared for Boba Fett’s embarrassing demise and never felt so happy for Han and Leia to reunite (thank goodness they did or they would have never had my darling, dark side cupcake, Kylo). Although it was a satisfying ending, I felt like I was mourning because at that time, for all we knew, the saga was over.

My aged copy of the only Star Wars novel that I’ve read.

I never got into videogames and didn’t read any Star Wars novels except Splinter of the Mind’s Eye, so I had/have a fairly film-pure understanding of Star Wars.  I think the absence of anything “new” about Star Wars created a kind of absence, making my anticipation of the new films so intense. I wanted to temper that anticipation because I knew that it would be very difficult for a new Star Wars film to capture my imagination and make me feel the exact same way it did when I was a child. The Star Wars prequels set in the context of my life as an adult could not give the me the same impression and reaction.

Credit: https://imgflip.com/i/vrxkz

I wanted to avoid the critiques of the prequels (before their release) based on leaked information and that the films were not following the books. And I hated that the merchandising was so gluttonously gratuitous, fodder for a hopeful feeding frenzy of fans trying to anticipate which characters would make the most valuable collectibles. 

With the release of the prequels, I was in my late-20s and read a tiny bit about the films, mostly drawn to the art, smitten by Queen Amidala’s queen amidala inspiration.jpgbeautiful, inspired costumes, hair and planet. That and Darth Maul are enough to make me love The Phantom Menace. My happiness that I was going to get more information about this galaxy far, far away was all I needed from the darth-maul-my-heartprequels.

But with the prequels, it was the first time I experienced hostile comments about Star Wars directed at me because I liked to point out the good things I found in the prequels. A relative berated me for not launching, along with her, into a “it’s not like the original trilogy” tirade after seeing The Phantom Menace. I watched Attack of the Clones, my least favorite of the films, with a date—a casual fan of the saga, and he was disappointed that the film didn’t have more battle scenes aanakin shirtless.gifnd felt that it was stupid to have anything about Padmé and the senate. 

Watching them again in retrospect I find more I like about Revenge of the Sith than just super-fine Anakin waking up abruptly from a bad dream, all shirtless…heaving up on that huge IMAX screen. That scene forced from my friend and me both, an audible gasp and a “oh, hello.” 

The level of over-merchandising with the prequels set a precedent for The Force Awakens as well, with Kylo Ren’s masked face and lightsaber and BB8 plastered on everything from tangerines, bottled water, BBQ tongs, pool toys, selfie sticks, etc., before the film was released. And in searching for Kylo Ren merchandise for myself,  I find so much made for little kids not adults. Having Kylo Ren marketed to little kids still seems odd to me. Kylo Ren pajamas are sold at Pottery Barn Kids in size 2T-8. Really? Parents want pictures of a twisted, patricidal bastard (albeit a damn sexy, delicious, sexy one) on the pajamas of their little toddlers?  I want those pajamas!cupcake

With The Force Awakens, I watched the trailers, but I didn’t watch any interview, did not read any social media rumors or speculations, and did not read any articles about what was to come. I delighted in coming to the film with no preconceptions, and, again, was hit with complete shock, more with this film than with Episode V because I am adult and processed the complexities, when I learned who

Sooooo yummmm!

Kylo Ren’s parents were. Seeing him unmasked (gush, sigh) created a raging conflict of intense lust and hatred that I am currently, and delightfully wrestling with in a research essay, and hit with shock and grief when Kylo Ren killed Han Solo.


But just like with the prequels people were negative and against, seemingly hurt by the film. And after the film, came more hostility, people so angry about the film and angry at me for liking it, for loving it. I understand their viewpoints, but I should be allowed to also have my own informed reasons for my preferences, without being told that I’m not a true fan among other more personal insults. 

And now with Rogue One, I watch the trailers but avoid the spoilers, articles, interviews, yoda-spoilerspeculation, merchandising (although, I know I’ve blown chances to get some good collectibles) because I don’t want to know! Even now, thankfully, there is a Star Wars marathon on TV to keep me from watching the premiere and the red carpet banter that might reveal a detail that I don’t want to know, yet.

But people are already critiquing a film that hasn’t been released; their critiques coming from spoilers, speculation and theories, it seems. I saw someone post an angry comment about Darth Vader being in Rogue One, very fry-take-my-moneyupset and already arguing against Vader having a huge presence in the film. Maybe a spoiler revealed how much Vader will be in the film, but isn’t context needed? I would need to see the film before I decided how much Vader their should be. And what does “too much Vader” mean?  I understand the words, but that sentence expresses a foreign concept.

Star Wars made such an impression on me at such a young age; they aren’t just films, they are part of my memories with my late dad, who took us to see the films because they had many of the same appealing features as his favorite WW2 movies, memories of my late mother, who enjoyed them, mostly because of Harrison Ford, memories of my big sister and little brother, we still can have conversations purely in Star Wars dialogue. They are an immersive memory linked to other memories in my life, a reflection, reaction to, response to society and American culture at the time. It is why I spend so much time caring for, curating that memory and coming to episodes made beyond VI with such care and a positive frame of reference.

Being critical of fiction is second nature for me because of my education and career as an English professor. Analysis and criticism is what I do. And Star Wars, I defend. I don’t pretend that there aren’t awful things about the prequels, things I take issue with in Episode VII, and having re-experienced the original trilogy for 39 years, now, things I see as weaknesses in those films. I am not looking at the films as flawless. I just prefer to focus on the things that keep me delighted, in that place of wonder, that feeling of home, which is why Star Wars is so integral to my life.

But I don’t feel like I get to have ownership over the Star Wars universe or feel entitled to a say in how it all turns out—although I act like I do sometimes, in jest—that the story can’t be taken in new directions, even of those directions turn out disastrous. Works of fiction evolve with each audience, generation, state of the world, and I accept that it will change, and if a change is disagreeable to me, I don’t insult those who like it, I won’t trash the entire saga or feel slighted or betrayed by its authors.

star-wars-leadership-obi-wan-truths-certain-point-view.gifThe Star Wars saga is strong enough to withstand the good and not-so-good creations that it inspires. Stories written after the original trilogy, whether I think they’re well done or not, cannot ruin my experience of the Star Wars universe or make me angry because I control my reaction. I choose the focus, the point of view, so it’s a positive experience. 

I constantly question my devotion of time and energy to this fictional galaxy, that I could be using it for other, more noble endeavors. But Star Wars keeps me ethically grounded, makes me a critical thinker, gives me practice standing up for something I believe it, exercises my analysis skills, practices my synthesis skills as I see parallels with the films and society, forces me to see flaws and weaknesses in something I hold up so high on a pedestal and be comfortable with that.

This feeling of having a relative tabula rasa going into the theatre allowed the films to have such an impact on me that I want this same opportunity when I see Episode VIII and Rogue One. I know how difficult it will be to stay untainted, unless I cut myself off from the Internet, which won’t happen, but I will try. I will don the helmet and pull down my blast shield. 

Feeling the Force through the Flab

Fully bloated, feeling like Jabba, I was trying to recover from Thanksgiving feasting as shown (full credit to whoever made the fun Star Wars Thanksgiving images; sorry I don’t have the info to properly cite you—let me know) and my

skipped workouts. I was supposed to run the day before Thanksgiving, but the bomb threat at my work, Wednesday, threw off my Wednesday plans. The day after Thanksgiving, I had planned to enjoy a hike for California Parks Day, but anxious about crazy Black Friday shoppers, I only took a short walk in my local park.  Saturday, it rained, so I couldn’t run, so I tried another Star Wars workout: yoga

I have to give the disclaimer that I had a couple of glasses of red wine in me, but I had promised myself not to skip the workout. It started promising, the instructor, Erica, in the video seemed laid back as yoga instructors often are and was wearing C3PO/R2D2 leggings. I had on my R2D2 yoga pants 

These are what my yoga pants look like, but is is not my bottom half. Gravity and IPAs, cake, and Mexican food have made me look a little puffier than this

She started off by explaining yoga breathing like breathing like Darth Vader. The Star Wars references and quotes were too light for my taste, I guess to preserve the yoga-ness of it. I expected more, like giving the yoga name for a pose (like in this pic below). 

She did explain at the end that with more practice that you would feel less like Jabba, as if she knew that was how I was feeling.star-wars-yoga-poster

As for her level of Star Wars devotion, she asked if viewers remember the name of the actor who played Han Solo as if that would be a tricky question. Made me question her level of fandom, but then I also realize that she might be trying to reach out to those who might not be complete fanatics like me, but would they really seek out a Star Wars workout?  She could have also had some low volume Star Wars music playing in the background as well as some Star Wars props to set the right fusion mood.

It truly was a beginner’s workout and I had to strain a bit on the runner’s lunges on the left side and the twists since my left leg does not want to cross over my right because of my IT band issues and arthritic left hip. 

She has a part two, that I did on Sunday, which as far as yoga goes, it’s an easy to follow workout for a beginner. She started that one with, again, some cool Star Wars leggings and a Darth Vader helmet on,  but I want, well I guess I’m still looking for the perfect Star Wars workout something like the meditative, moment-focused routine that I imagine the Jedi and Sith must have practiced in that galaxy far, far away, and that’s the one that I want.

I’ve discovered a few more of these amateur Star Wars workouts. A Daisy Ridley-workout inspired workout, a couple flat abs workout, and a bunch of Star Wars workouts for kids—why do kids get Star Wars marketed to them more than it gets marketed to adults?—so, I’ve got a lot to get me trained for the Star Wars Half Marathon. But with Rogue One coming up soon and Episode VIII rumors getting more difficult to dodge, I have thoughts fighting for space on this blog.

But I will continue strengthening my body in the way most appropriate to my life—through Star Wars-themed workouts in hopes to find the ones that fully indulge my desire to train physically in the dark Jedi arts and launch me in to more Mary Sue dreams of getting sweaty with my delicious dark side cupcake, my dreamy Master of the Knights of Ren. Look at him! He is so fine! So YUM!


Some advice from an old dark side student for those of you in your teens, 20s, 30s, develop healthy habits now. Being in my mid-40s it takes twice as much effort just to maintain my current weight and state of health as my metabolism slows, my time is sparse, and my body degenerates. If you want more time in this life to cherish the dark side, to obsess over the Star Wars universe take care of your bodies, work ’em!  

Star Wars HIIT Workout: My Failure was Complete



I died. The Star Wars HIIT workout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIir4DxhIZg has killed me! After a rest day, full of sitting on my bum grading essays, I was looking forward to working out, and I’ve done the the kickboxing video by this YouTuber, so I knew I was in for a serious, sweat-pouring workout.

Eager to start I couldn’t hold the phone still.

I was hoping for some a cool Star Wars backdrop or something visually Star Wars or maybe a clip of music to help create a mood, but no. I do like that he does not play music in his videos because I can use my own playlist for better motivation. After his usual warm ups, we began the Star Wars-themed circuit. As soon as I heard the name, Jar Jar Jogs, I became disappointed; of all characters, why choose this one? But after seeing how I looked doing them, I realized why they were called that. I looked like an overreacting creature having running spasms.

This guy works in fun kickboxing Sith Kicks, Leia Kicks, and jabs and blocks, Darth Crawlers and FORCE pushes in the Obi-Run Kenobi, but puts in 3 kinds of burpees — Yoda, Ewok and Boba Fett burpees  — which are exercises straight from a torture manual. I know their benefit, but I hate them so much! The severity of weakness and tightness in my left hip and leg presented itself more in this workout than the Dark Side workout, when I had to shift my weight to that side during kicks and one-legged burpees (One-legged! Seriously, dude?!?!)  I did far less reps than he did, but my muscles were failing, streams of sweat were stinging my eyes, and my glasses were slipping off my soaked nose mid-way through the workout so I had to slow down to keep my form somewhat correct.

With quivering muscles, I attempted the Skywalkers (dchicken-ariseoing a handstand while you walkyour legs up and down the wall) despite feeling certain that my arms would give out and I would land on my face, but I survived, face intact. But the feeling that I should have waited more than an hour after eating a chicken salad was intensified as it tried to come back up. “Arise, chicken. Arise.” (Thank you AQHF for allowing me to amuse myself there.) https://youtu.be/zZ9dtZ8lYww

The last combo of all his videos was the death blow, which he calls the burnout combo, and in this video they were named Force Be With You. These combos move you from floor to ceiling — squats, jumps, side crawls and other things I can’t remember because I was dying. He really pushes you and himself to the limit; even he had to stop mid sets to catch his breath, which made me feel better about not being able to complete half of what he did.

…slightly composed for stretching
HELP! After combos struggling to stand…

With the last, long water break, I had to lean on the counter to hold myself up. My legs were shaking. Stretching was more of a series of contortions to stay balanced on Jello legs.  But I am determined to try it again because it was fun, and I want to get good enough to do all the reps. I woke up sore, today, but not immobile like I expected.

Unlike the Dark Side workout, There was no energy in my body or brain to spare during this workout for me to have Mary Sue fantasies about training with my dark side cupcake. All I could do was imagine him using this special ancient Sith healing tincture while performing a

Art Credit: Erik Maell
Ancient Sith healing tincture disguised as peppermint oil.

deep tissue massage on me and carrying me to bed.


Feel the Force Flow (and try not to hurt yourself…or the dog): a dark side inspired workout.

death-star-gymBeing an elder squire for the Knights of Ren, I am more prone to injury than some of my other dark side devotees. A recently healed hip flexor injury as well as a diagnosis of degenerative arthritis in my left hip have me on a quest to prepare for running the Star Wars Half Marathon at Disneyland in January

My friends and me at last year’s Star Wars – Light Side 10K

Unfortunately it’s the “light side”—waaaaahhh—but Disneyland is only about 15 miles from my house; Disneyworld gets the dark side marathon – but it’s not as close to my home.

To stay motivated, I’ve discovered some Star Wars workouts online that I wanted to share, which will also keep me accountable for my training and maybe inspire fellow dark side fitness experts to create even more Star Wars-inspired workouts.

Disclaimer: Seek a galactic medic droid’s advice before starting any workout program, so that you don’t get hurt and end up in a bacta tank.

Come to the Dark Side Workout


I found this workout on the website, Darbee, which also has a Jedi workout and Stormtrooper workout, but I had to go with the Dark Side workout.

The description: “Let your dark side surface and fight with a highly developed sense of precision. Using the Bo staff allows you to reap the benefits that come when you train with weapons. The staff doesn’t just challenge your body, it also challenges your mind as you need to re-conceptualize the way you physically connect to the world and take into account the weight, length and dynamics of the staff. A workout that tasks your mind and body is truly what we mean about letting your Dark Side out.” Cool.

It looked fun, and I could indulge in Mary Sue day dreams about sparring with Kylo Ren as we worked as a couple to become strong in body as well as with the Force.

Credit: Fowl Language Comics

In my mid-40s, my expectations were that I would feel like I’m dying after 2 sets, and, nowhere near graceful, I also expected to injure myself with my makeshift Bo staff (I wanted to use a pool noodle  but couldn’t find one in my kid’s room) or damage some furniture or accidentally hurt the dog. I ended up using an old security bar as my “Bo staff.”

My “Bo staff”

The first set went slow as I tried to get the movement right and not strain a muscle. (I found out after working out that the website has videos showing the moves, so I’ll refer to those next time I do this.) With my first Overhead Strike, the plastic end of the bar flew across the room and hit the glass sliding door. Scared the dog.

I got through the first set of the second combo, Block+Block+Horizontal strike, with no incidents. During the Downward Swipe Combos, the other end of my “staff” flew off and hit the TV. Scaring the dog again. He left the room and watched from the hallway after that.

The Side Kick+Horizontal Strike Combos were the hardest. With my arthritic hip, my range of motion was limited and when I tried to kick as high as the guy in the picture, my tight hip muscles resisted and threw me off balance. I was able to stop my fall with the back of the couch.

Mmmm cupcake

The second set was much better! But since the ends of my “Bo staff” were now uncovered, the swinging created a wind that moved fast through the staff and made a whistling sound, and not a cool whooshing but a I’m-missing-my-front-teeth and trying to say the “s” wavering whistle sound. By the end of this set, I felt like a bad ass swinging the Bo Staff, and since my movements were more accurate, I could do it faster. Not having to focus so much on doing the moves right, I indulged in my fantasy about sparring with my dark side cupcake and kicking his ass.

As I began my third combo, the sweat was profuse and stinging my eyes. I was getting really tired, my muscles were fatiguing, so my form started to suffer, and I jammed the Bo staff in my armpit during one of my Downward Swipes to the left. Ouch. Terrible Forcemanship.

It took me about 40 minutes to get through the 3 sets of each combo, and it was fun, exhausting, worked my core, arms, legs, and glutes, but I didn’t feel the total muscle failure of strength training.  But I am just a beginner, and really enjoyed the physical movements and the daydreams of my delicious dark side cupcake that it inspired, so I will try it again. The next taste of Star Wars workouts? I will attempt to survive a HIIT circuit.





When You’re Indifferent to Star Wars, You Know Something is Very Wrong

October is depression awareness month, so I decided to go forth with sharing my September slide back into this realm that I thought I had left behind a long time ago…I would rate my depression as moderate, but that by no means diminishes the need to take any degree of depression seriously.

Code_of_the_Sith.pngI let my sources of bliss be taken by depression. Passion felt like a foreign concept, a dangerous place for those who follow the path of the dark side. 

Depression is not a dive into the dark side of the self or humanity as some call it; on the dark side you still feel, you still have passion, fierceness, drive. With depression, at least for me, it’s indifference, a creeping numbness, absence of feeling. I study Sith ways, I admire the dark side, so dark places of a species do not scare me. Depression isn’t a dark place for me, I like the dark; depression is a void, a lacking, a numbness, a inability to feel, an indifference to the inability to feel, apathy about the inability to interact with anything and anyone.

Continue reading When You’re Indifferent to Star Wars, You Know Something is Very Wrong

Rebel Scum and the Loathsome Resistance

In them we have a treacherous, disturbed, and hypocritical gang of sadistic thieves and murderers. 

While fighting for your deepest held principles,  you may have had to take the life of another. But did you then smile? Cheer? Throw a fucking party? Sounds a bit sadistic to be so gleeful, right? Well that’s what the Rebels and Resistance did.

I am merely a squire, a student of the dark side, but I am no means blind to the death and destruction wrought on the Hosnian system and Alderaan by Starkiller Base and the Death Stars. Sith, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren have taken a share of lives for their respective reasons. However, there were no cheers from the Empire or the First Order when these 

planets were destroyed, no hugs and celebrations on the dark side as enemies were eliminated. However, the Rebels and the Resistance take delight, cheer, celebrate, light fireworks, smile at the death of thousands of Empire and First Order loyalists.

Elation after many lives were lost on the Death Star

Such a disgusting, disturbing display! 


There are some mighty displays of the Resistance taking pleasure inflicting pain on others, but efforts are made to make us overlook that truth. However, Kylo Ren astutely calls them out on such behavior. While that scavenger, Rey, was being interrogated, she asks my master where she is and where are the others that she was with. He replies, “You mean the murderers, traitors and thieves you call friends?” Not a surprise that my master can see the truth and the scavenger could not refute it.

Continue reading Rebel Scum and the Loathsome Resistance

A Star Wars Obsession is NOT a Frivolous Pursuit!

I teach writing at a local community college and have been furiously getting a fresh, new syllabus written for my fall courses, selflessly abandoning my pursuit of all things Star Wars. But a Star Wars-demeaning remark from a “friend” has been drilling my brain for weeks, and I can now put my time back into assembling my feelings about Star Wars into words.

In this election year, people are posting and tweeting vehement feelings about the election and the candidates, but I’m filling my social feeds with important messages like these (thank you to all the artists whose work I borrowed here. Credit due to all their talents. Please let me know if you want your art removed):

At the risk of appearing disengaged from my civic duty as a member of a democracy, I avoid discussing politics. I know where I stand and why, and I don’t want to get into emotional debates about my choices, especially on social media where things can get ugly; even amongst friends and family, ties can be severed over politics (and those who have been following Diary of a Sith Chick, know that such a severing led to the launch of the “Revenge of the Diary: Order 66” FaFullSizeRender 19cebook page).

In some situations, friends quip that instead of wasting time on Star Wars (I have much difficulty comprehending that phrase), that my time would be better spent on things that matter in this world, implying that I’m superficial, even stupid for obsessing about Star Wars instead of  vehemently supporting, in plain view of social media, a presidential candidate or working to help others, as if Star Wars had to be exclusive of that, enraging me with such insults and disrespect.  My go-to meme last week was this one I am so appreciative of for Kush and Wizdom for creating.

Continue reading A Star Wars Obsession is NOT a Frivolous Pursuit!

Interrogation Room, Part 2: Violation Reciprocated

In part 1, I analyzed Kylo Ren’s violation of Rey. In this part, I examine when she gets the pleasure of violating him. 


All of Rey’s strength goes to hiding the map, so she has no strength to repress the unexpected attraction to her enemy. However, it opens her mind to accept what seems impossible, to channel the Force and violate my delicious dark side cupcake’s mind. She gasps; her face relaxes as she finds herself in Kylo Ren’s gorgeous head. Pushing towards him, she threatens, showing him his fortune that she is restrained. She’s panting, perspiration glistening—predator ready to pounce on prey.

My phone wallpaper: I need quick access to this moment of TFA at ALL times

And my dear master cowers, backs up. His hand, once out as a means to take, is held up in defense. Her breathing deepens and steadies. And our villain’s super hot, confident face tenses from this revelation plus the pleasure it provokes—a luscious, surprising moment that enchants and dissolves limits to lust. His face slips into an innocent, gentle comeliness. So bewitching, so delicious is this moment. So beholden to this moment—1:28:46 into the movie—am I, that I require access to it at all times. An obsession, an addiction is a restraint, and I willingly chain myself to this cage. Rey’s echoing growl (makes me wonder if she is a Nightsister) bends his brow into worry, “You. You’re afraid…” she wrinkles her nose and brow in disgust.



Then Rey reveals Kylo Ren’s secret fear that he “will never be as strong as Darth Vader,” and she surprises him again with the relief and the pleasure it triggers. He backs away from this violation, teeth clenched before his luscious lips quiver. Her breath is confident, deep and steady, and she’s erect in the chair. He heaves a breath, a flash of relief from the revelation, followed by an intensifying of the conflict inside him.

Two enemies face each other, staring into each other’s eyes, a unexpected sense of gratitude between them for the relief of their revealed secrets. Convention dictates that these enemies should stare menacingly at each other, but they both end the scene with a sense of release and newfound, warped intimacy between them, no matter how much their circumstances dictate that they be repulsed by each other.  


Kylo Ren leaves the room so flummoxed by surging hormones and soothing and scorching feelings that he goes unmasked, to whine to Snoke, “She’s strong with the Force, untrained but stronger than she knows.” He delights in shaping, with his luscious lips, the pronouns referring to her, fantasizing about being her master in so many ways. But, he is so distracted that he doesn’t realize that Hux is right behind him, thrilled to point out to Snoke that it was Kylo Ren’s decision to get the girl and not the droid (they have that brother-lover animosity going on #kylux). He walks in, first looking at Snoke then staring down Kylo Ren whose luscious lips pout at he stares at the floor then straight ahead. It makes Hux’s announcement that he found the resistance base so much the sweeter.

Hux delights in this moment because it puts him in Snoke’s favor. Hux also wants to see Kylo Ren’s reaction knowing that the resistance—his mom and all she’s fought for—is the next target. My master’s dreamy, dewy brown eyes look up at Snoke, and he makes a desperate plea to have more time to get the map (more time to save his mom). This plea confirms Hux’s suspicions that Kylo Ren’s personal feelings absolutely DO get in the way of his loyalty to the First Order. Hux revels in that before he walks out. Kylo Ren’s encounter with Rey serves as the catalyst for this moment of him being exposed—literally and figuratively unmasked.


To try to make things right with Snoke, or at least make it seem like he has no conflict, Kylo Ren must follow orders to, “Bring. Her. To. Me!” He composes himself, re-masks and stomps down the hall. His full, gorgeous body is in frame for a moment as he walks towards us; then we get closer, are looking up at him as if on our knees. Gasp.  He struggles with this short time to decide if he will follow Snoke’s orders or escape the base with Rey. His conflict has been exposed, and the pull to the light is maddeningly comforting. So when he returns to the interrogation room and finds her gone, he is angry that, yet, another person with whom he began to feel a connection, has abandoned him; his heaving and pacing allows him to fight the tears and channel his rage. And lets us see him posture, show off his strength by tensing those triceps, biceps and pecs, grrrrrrr.

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Breaks my heart to see him so alone

Now angry with Rey for provoking such feelings then abandoning him, fear layers upon him because he will have to admit another failure, risking further isolation from Snoke, someone from whom he seeks approval and acceptance. My master is on this precipice staring into disappointment and, again, utter loneliness: he does not have the map, has a murderous desire to be accepted, and, as much a fan he is and wants to be like Vader, he knows that his lack of restraint keeps him from that, adding to his violent despair. He disregards restraint, ignites his lightsaber—ah, ooo, oh how I love his lightsaber and its sound…mmm!and destroys a literal device of restraint: this chair, his tool of intimidation and torture that held Rey as she intimidated and tortured him.


Attraction to him becomes fierce fixation, a more complex attraction beyond, but intensifying, delicious, lusty lust because we have gotten to know more about him, experienced his vulnerable depths. His tantrums while comical, also evoke our pity and empathy. This moment is the culmination of his villainy-bad-ass-ness, his sarcasm, him being the son of our favorite princess and scoundrel, our shared admiration of Darth Vader, his addicting sexiness, passion, vulnerability, and loneliness.

And this is why I love, yearn, desire and ache for my dark side cupcake with such intensity. He is handsome, strong, sexy, clever, virile, sexy, ambitious, sexy, tough, passionate, sexy, sarcastic, and sexy. Yes, he is dangerously hostile and volatile, but that is just a temporary symptom of his desperation for love and acceptance. Even after he killed Han Solo, I wanted to hate him, tried to feel disgusted with myself for being so attracted to him as I cried and grieved for Han, ached for Leia, felt distress as a parent wondering how a mother copes with a child who commits patricide, but I could not hate him—which, for me, also confirmed my alliance to the dark side.  

I want my master and I to join together; I want to hold him as he pours out his pain and resolves his conflict (when I met “him” at Disneyland, I asked if I could hug him because he needs one. The First Order cast members said, “no.”), for him to know that I understand

Kylo and nerd Me
“Kylo Ren” did like my shirt and told me that I would do well with the First Order AND asked me to join!

the void that pains him. I want him to…well I want him…to take turns with me in that interrogation chair (surely, there is another) giving to and taking from me, to generate and constantly consummate a love so deep—mmmmm!—that it inspires a passion fiercer than any passion that hostility and volatility could create so that we become stronger with the Force and live happily ever after on the dark side.

Many people are eager to see Kylo Ren and Rey further their attraction to each other, to fall in love. I am not sure that I want that to happen. I can see how it seems like a natural progression of events as evident in their snow battle, but I want the film to twist the natural progression of thingstumblr_inline_o34ejlpztU1r0ia4s_500. Perhaps it’s just jealousy. They certainly would make a cute couple, so I would eventually cope (ha!) if they did get together. But certainly, I will hope for the writers to keep Rey’s heart away from and her hands off of my Kylo Ren. That Master of the Knights of Ren, he belongs to ME!


Interrogation Room, Part 1: the squiggly line between passionate disgust and lust

My master’s interrogation (etc.) chair

“You know he fucks in that thing.”  Remarked my sister. 

“I’m counting on it!” I replied.

Because if I woke up to find myself bound to a chair, and Kylo Ren was staring at me, an intense fuck better be in the plan! Such feelings are aroused by The Force Awakens when Kylo Ren interrogates Rey. We have a prisoner and captor and reversal of these roles that demonstrates passion’s multiple facets. (Certainly implications of emotional violence and horrendous physical violation that threaten a captive are not to be diminished, but these aren’t the focus this time.). I doubt urgent need exists to persuade you of the scene’s seductive power; maybe it’s the summer heat-upon-heat compelling me, but it just feels so good to view, analyze, think about, and express the deliciousness of this scene again, and again, and again, and again.

In a couple’s first sexual encounter, anxiety, restraint, tension, inhibitions, anticipation and fear of release can be present, as they are in this scene, juxtaposed on a captive/captor context. Whether confronted with an enemy or confronted with a lover, the adrenaline surges and hormones rage. Despite their opposing needs and circumstances telling them to despise each other, their physiology operates on a primal level. Both Kylo Ren and Rey try to ignore it, deny it, guide their consciousness to see it in the proper context, but ultimately each uses it for an advantage.

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*Credit to Jeanette Winterson, from her novel, Gut Symmetries


The scene begins with the obvious signs of converging opposites: Rey is in light-colored clothing, the good, and Kylo Ren is in dark clothing, the evil.

*Gorgeous, gorgeous art! Credit goes to the artist Verauko

She awakens; for a moment he sits in darkness, masked, while she sits under spotlight. He is in control of her but deluding himself that he is in control of the “light.” Despite being restrained, Rey works up enough courage behind her tears for insults, to prove he is not in total control, calling him a “creature in a mask.” But he is so confident of his control, that he, to our delight, removes the mask. It is upon this luscious unmasking that disgust blurs into lust, revealing the similar ways these opposing feelings manifest themselves. Certainly, he is confident in his power to confront her, unmasked, but he is also attracted to her, and certainly he wants to flash her his gorgeousness, which he knows he can use in his favor.

And he is right. She sees his dark, glimmering, penetrating eyes, alabaster skin, full lips, soft waves of raven hair just aching for oh-so-gentle fingers to be run through it, which conflicts with the repulsion she felt just a second before when he was still this “creature in a mask.” And then, she totally checks him out; her eyes do a full up-and-down-all-around. By exposing himself, this villain, which many of us have fallen for at this point in the film for villainy reasons—his strong bod, cool outfit, mystery, ancestry, bursting lightsaber and strength with the Force—melts us into a gasping puddle, affirming our desire for him with this revelation of his breathtaking face. No restraints remain for us.


Your focus determines your reality. Rey focuses on her captive position, looking past him to remind herself that he is the enemy. But, my dear, Rey, we humans don’t get to control our thoughts as much as we like to think . Her physical restraint in the chair parallels her denial of her primal reaction—her attraction—to him. So, she totally steals another glance, checks him out one more time as he gets closer. She tries to stay focused on him as an enemy, using sass and sarcasm when he asks her about BB-8.  Consciously, it’s to repress her fear of her captor, but unconsciously it is her effort to charm him with wit.

Indeed he appreciates the cleverness of her sarcasm, since he has Solo sarcasm in his blood. His eyes move from her face to her body and back. But he focuses on being irritated, forces his eyes off of her, again, you know i can take gif.giffor a moment and tries to belittle her by bringing up the map, “somehow you convinced the droid to show it to you. You…,” punctuated with his kiss-able pout, “…a scavenger….” Then he looks her in the eye and threatens (promises?), “you know I can take whatever I want.” And as a young, hormonal male, he knows exactly the different meanings one might infer. Those of us in the audience, who were already drooling, gushing over him at this point, declare, “Yes, please do!” and have not ceased crafting sexual responses to this statement in their heads. Certainly you’ve felt this tremor in the Force. Grrrrrrrrr!

*Credit goes to the artist of this Star Wars High School tumblr post 


He reaches out with his strong, steady arm, his hand almost touching her, forcing her to share her innermost thoughts.  No doubt he is aroused by his own power, plus he starts moving his face so close to hers that she can feel his breath penetrating the delicate skin of her glistening neck, the heat and vibrations reverberating through her body. Palpitations! And her breathing is shallow, quick at first but begins to deepen because revealing a secret relieves stressher brain feels the urge to do so, and he is counting on this to extract the information he wants.  When Rey’s secrets about her loneliness are revealed, she feels the relief; her breath deepens and steadies, a release of pleasure for which she must credit Kylo Ren. It urges her brain to reveal more, and he preys on this to further violate her for her most intimate details, despite her efforts to restrain them.

He relies on being physically close and is getting emotionally close to her, identifying with her loneliness; her fondness for Han Solo helps him feign a lack of compassion to hide his attraction. He also relies on being this close so that she cannot see his erection if his “tent” pokes through the slit in his outfit. Kylo Ren’s facilitation of her pleasure in having these deepest secrets finally revealed, having someone to understand her feelings is a very intimate moment. In a romantic situation, kindness and caring, a soft caress of her sad face would have persuaded her to share her thoughts, but the result would be the same as it is in this scene—release, relief. Still close to her, he imposes this unethical building attraction to take what he wants. Her voice shakes, “Get out of my head.” He steps back, a teasing withdrawal, then reminds her that he knows she has seen the map, and his voice hits a sexy depth, “and now you’ll give it to me.” And thousands of fans’ voices cry out, “Ok. I will give you whatever you want!” and are yet to be silenced.


She is literally restrained but is releasing all feelings and thoughts (except the map details) including the admission to herself that he is lava hot, even though he is also frightening and pissing her off at the moment. He calls her out on the attraction, “Don’t be afraid; I feel it, too.” Yes, as we all do, my Master. Just search on social media sites for “reylo.” And who knows how long he’s been feelin’ it, how long he’d been staring at her/touching himself before she woke up. And Rey gasps as he enters deeper into her mind, and she tries to restrain her thoughts. 


Rey pushes deep breaths past clenched teeth as she fights this violation.“I’m not giving you anything,” she struggles to say. And he proceeds with confidence.  His full lips contort as he strains to draw it out of her. Her muscles are tensing as she is drawn to him. Then she leans as far forward as the restraints allow her as his arm starts to tremble. Irrepressible feelings of attraction to her enemy expose her to unexpected, unfathomable possibilities, that give her pause, then courage, that further awakens her strength with the Force. Restrained to this chair, she is violated, but then she reciprocates….

Up next: Interrogation Room, Part 2:  Reciprocating violations, addiction, and why I’m pretty sure I don’t want to see a romance between my master and Rey in the next film, as many are hoping.

*Thank you to the artists whose amazing works I credited in this piece. Please let me know if you want me to remove it from this page.

Take Me Between the Covers. I Want to Learn the Literary Ways of the Force

“The Blackguard clings to the principle that acquiring knowledge is superior to exerting physical power.” —Book of Sith

Book of Sith has been my companion by the pool, this summer…uh, I mean as part of my training as a squire in the house of Ren…and this Blackguard principle resonates with the academic in me. The structure of the book thrills me because not only am I privy to the asynchronous dialogue of Vader, Sidious and Luke with and about followers of the Sith, but prose that doesn’t follow conventional structure arouses my intellect (I am not in love, yet, that will take more reflection), and it tempts me to be more than a voyeur, as their notes and my own annotations penetrate the Sith teachings, enhancing my reading experience. The knowledge is reshaping and enriching the Star Wars stories that I know, and I want more.  star wars library

However, I must overcome my prudishness about Star Wars books that take me outside the films, and, perhaps, you can guide me on where to start this literary lesson. Book of Sith is only the 3rd of these books that I’ve read that take me beyond the films, joining Splinter of the Mind’s Eye (the only one of the Star Wars novels that I’ve read) and Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina. True, I am merely a squire but have constrained myself to this role because of long-held film-purist, and literary-purist fears. I must admit this failure, face and transform my fears, and be implicit in the violation of my purity.

As a youngling, I read Splinter of the Mind’s Eye upon its release because I was starved for more Star Wars after “A New Hope” left the theaters. My sister and I thought that Splinter of the Mind’s Eye was going to be the next film. Knowing how desperate we were for more Star Wars, my parents kept us out of school to go see “The Empire Strikes Back” the day it

My aged copy of the only Star Wars novel that I’ve read.

premiered in theaters! I was expecting the story from Splinter but got my favorite Star Wars story instead. Looking back, I see that this pleasant surprise created a disconnect, a disassociation pitting the books against the films. I curbed my temptations to read books about things beyond the Star Wars film galaxy becoming a Star Wars film purist.

I feared violations—guarded myself against any spoilers of what was or was not to come or meeting characters and forming images of them that the films would then disrupt. Then I feared admitting that I didn’t know the books, imagining that I was the only fan out there not reading the books, that it would discredit me as a true fan. And as more books were published, I ignored the expanding Star Wars universe. My film purity has been enabled by studying literature, literary theory, and literary criticism in college and graduate school making me assume that Star Wars fiction could not meet my criteria. I repressed temptation, certain I was saving myself for literary art. Such arrogant literary purist snobbery! That created more fear: that the books would fail to live up to my literary expectations and fail to meet my Star Wars expectations.

I refused to risk possible misshaping of my long-held perspective on Star Wars.  When I learned from a friend that, in the books, Han and Leia got married and Luke married someone—blech!—I took great offense on how our civilization’s concept of marriage was imposed on the Star Wars galaxy (but even the films betrayed this when Padmé and Anakin were wed). I wanted my Star Wars galaxy to have no concept of marriage, letting me have a place where this concept never existed, and I felt betrayed. So I held fast to my film-purist stance.

His story belongs to me!

With the release of the prequels and then “The Force Awakens,” people had told me that there were inconsistencies between the characters and timelines of the films and the books, as well, but I dismissed those, remaining faithful to the films for my information—especially anyone who tried to tell me about my delicious dark side cupcake, Kylo Ren. I had all intent to declare any information about his life that was not given or inferred in the film as LIES.

Because I ebest-star-wars-books-644x250mbrace the dark side, I knew that I had to face this fear and use it, channel this literary arrogance, let go of trying to control how these books will shape me because it is keeping me from empowering my point of view. And as a squire of the Knights of Ren this knowledge is crucial because a strong dark side warrior must be mindful of the texts about the Force circulating this galaxy. I savor the immense pleasure of knowing the Star Wars film saga and am aroused by the promise of the multiple dimensions I will add to my Star Wars experience as I read more books.

What’s loosened me up are debates on social media about “The Force Awakens”  disrupting canon versus canon not being “true,” and I don’t understand the expanded universe references of which they speak. Tempted to join and defend the films, I cannot; I don’t know anything about Star Wars as told in the novels. This debate makes me think of Cervantes’ Don Quixote as the issue of “author/authority” is represented in this work (read it, if you have not; you’ll be ready for Adam Driver’s role in Terry Gilliam’s adaptation of the story. Adam Driver is reading it, too!). So, I might speak on how canon criteria is established on a literary level but not on a Star Wars level, and to live with this division, to resist a relationship between my love for literature and my love for Star Wars is excruciating!IMG_8072.PNG

But where to begin? I am overwhelmed. Follow the galaxy’s timeline? Follow the chronology of book publication? Did I want to focus on the dark side? (Well, of course!) But if I focused on the dark side, where do I begin? I had reached out to the podcasters Coffee with Kenobi  and Star Wars Book Worms for some recommendations, and they asked if I wanted to follow canon. I don’t know if I do? How is it defined? And who defined it, anyways? (I know, now, that there are the labels “canon” and “expanded universe,” which some interchange). And do I offend or betray the saga by asking, by being ignorant of the print galaxy far, far away? Recommendations on reading the comic books and playing video games piled on. I am implicating as many as I can in the loss of my purity.

As I near the end of Book of Sith, I found this note from Darth Plagueis to be most excerpt from BOSpertinent. Star Wars started with Episode IV, so there is no reason for me to begin at the beginning of the books either chronologically in the Star Wars universe or the publishing world. I thought I wanted such a moment to be special, a carefully choreographed, orderly, calculated event, an easing into a new phase in one’s life, but where is the thrill in that? 

Some argue that I shouldn’t stain my perspectives by reading the books, but I’m ready to partake in this literary debauchery and emerge with a well-formed opinion of my own. With so many books to conquer, I will abandon all inhibition, seek intoxication from the risk, the unexpected. I will indulge in heights of delight by the stories that captivate me and ravenously seek relief from textual frustration caused by books that leave my literary and Star Wars desires wanting. Too long have I deprived myself of the strength to come from joining together my devotion to literature with my passion for Star Wars.