Dear Diary…

It all started back in April of 2015 when I sent Daniel a message that essentially went like this:

Krystee: Hey, I want to make my own Star Wars page on Facebook.  I want it to be all Sith. You in?

Daniel: I’m with you, Empress, whatever you do.  Always, we’re familia.

Krystee: Cool.  You’re the best, love you to pieces!

So yeah, something like that.  Thus…Diary of a Sith Chick was born.  We’ve dedicated the Diary to strictly Sith art.  No meme’s to speak of, no bounty hunters and absolutely NO JEDI or Rebel Scum!

Before we knew it, we had 500 fans then 1000 and by the time July rolled around we were at 2000 and have just kept growing.

We added two Tumblr blogs, a Pinterest, a Twitter and this site.

The purpose of this site is to bring together fans of DSC and Star Wars in general, and give them a place to showcase their hobbies.  Maybe you only dabble in drawing or painting, or perhaps you like to write short stories or create Star Wars themed crafts…whatever it is, if you don’t have a website for it, post it here!  We’ll share it far and wide for other creative nerds to ooo and ahhh over.

Here’s to continued success!

