Steve aka. Moonsith

I am a 40+ man still living in a 24 year old mind. I have been a Star Wars fan since it first came out in ’77 and I’ve seen them all more times than I can count.
I’ve been with my partner for nearly 13 years but unfortunately she isn’t a Star Wars fan. I’ll give her credit though she’s always on the look out for Star Wars stuff.
I love my movies and always have, I’m putting it down to my father has also always been a big movie fan. I love all genres of movies apart from remakes. My favourite era for movies is the 80’s.
I’m a lover of all types of music but prefer the older stuff. My all time favourite singer is Michael Jackson and need you ask my favourite composer is the mighty John Williams.
I’ve been a gamer most of my life and I love all types of games i.e. MMO’s, FPS, TPS and RPG’s and my favourite platform is Playstation.
I love to have a laugh but I know where to draw the line on how far to go. I can be dead serious as well and never make fun of anyone who has a problem.
One last thing i hate bullies cos I’ve been a victim of of them years ago so I don’t tolerate any form of bullying.
Happy viewing

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