Ashla and Bogan

The light side and the dark side of the force.

The Je’daii order were the ones to use these terms. They had an oath, the oath was to keep the balance. Think of them as the gray Jedi today.


They believed in keeping the balance of the force inside yourself. To use the force you would have used little parts of Ashla and Bogan. Fall to far from the middle you would be exiled. Two moons floated around Tython, the home planet of the Je’daii order. These two planers were named Ashla and Bogan. Members who drifted to far from the balance would be sent to the moons in exile. If you were to have too much light you were exiled to ashla. If you had to much dark you were exiled to Bogan. Until you maintained balance would you be sent back to Tython.


Now the current day Jedi are pure light side. While the sith are dark side. There is no balance in the force individually. But what does ashla mean?

Ashla is light, is the light side of the force. The calming flows. The Jedi don’t bend the will of the force, they just let the force flow through them. They embrace it, but also fear its power


The sith on the other hand fear nothing. They bend the will of the force and use it to their advantage. The sith see the force as a weapon and a way of gaining great power. Something the Jedi don’t like. This causes great conflict between the two sides.


If the two sides worked together there would be no need for fighting. A temple created for force users. Maybe we will see the term Ashla or Bogan in future films or shows. If you want to learn more about the Je’daii loom up a book call star wars: dawn of the Jedi into the void.


If this wasn’t enough for you check out my discussion of Ashla and Bogan in my podcast called A Star Wars Podcast.

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