#TORonNetflix Update


Yesterday the #TORonNetflix campaign achieved a major milestone; we surpassed 100,000 supporters!  I, and Diary of a Sith Chick by default, am so proud to have started such a powerful movement which is so near and dear to Star Wars fans hearts.

I would like to thank my co-founder, Jasmine St-Philippe, for putting the petition together for us. She did a fantastic job of eloquently stating all of the reasons #TORonNetflix should be a thing!  Many thanks also go out to Mart Ford for all of the graphics and promo videos as well as his dedication to the cause. Mart has also set up Twitter, Facebook and YouTube accounts dedicated to TORonNetflix, check them out in the links below.

We also need to thank Honor the Force, Star Wars Facts, The Star Wars Hub, Wookie Nookie, Fact Free, ComicBook.com, Game Informer, Star Wars HQ, Movie Pilot, and so many others for featuring our petition and campaign on their websites, Facebook pages and YouTube channels.  Your features have certainly helped spread the word and keep the petition momentum moving forward!  For that we are extremely grateful, thank you!

I urge all of you, the Star Wars fans, to continue your efforts!

Spread the #TORonNetflix tag!

Share the petition! bit.ly/TORonNetflix

Join the discussion in our Facebook group!

Check out Mart’s Facebook page where he is posting milestones and articles!

Follow us on Twitter: @DSCFatalis and @TORonNetflix

We’re going to make this happen with your help! Have an article or feature to share? You can find me here!





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