Say “Hi” to your newest Knight of Ren!

Salutations, fellow followers of the Dark Side! I am honored to be a new member of this fine group, and I have a specific skill that I am happy to put to good use for the site. I enjoy drawing and doing photoshopped fan art in my spare time, and currently, I’m a bit psychotically obsessed with a certain Knight of Ren that captured my heart in the latest chapter of the Star Wars Saga. So without further ado, I present you with my latest work, which is honestly the most complex thing I’ve done to date. But I wanted nothing but the very best for my debut post*. So show some gratitude, you uncultured apes! And may the Dark Side be with you!

*Proof that I demand greatness from myself, I’ve updated the art with an improved saber effect.

Kylo Ren photoshop job for Simon Fish 3 REMAKE ULTIMATE

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